Taking Ground Apostolic Team

Martin and Lynda Dunkley
Team Leaders
Martin & Lynda lead TVC Church. Martin also oversees Taking Ground as a whole.

Mike Beaumont
Teaching Team Leader
Mike Beaumont leads Taking Ground’s Teaching team and runs School of Applied Theology.

Neville Wright
Prophetic Team Leader
Neville lives in Cumbria and heads up the Taking Ground prophetic team.

Matt Biddlecolmbe
Executive Leader
Matt along with his wife Anna are part of TVC Church.

Rick and Liz Thomas
Pastoral Team Leaders
Rick and Liz lived for about 40 years in Worcester before moving to Leeds just before Christmas in 2016 to support the church plant there and serve the churches across the sphere.

Susanna Dawson
Susanna Dawson is part of Hexham Community Church.

Ste McFarlane
Ste along with his wife Julie are part of TVC Church.

Neil Strike
Northern Churches Team Leader
Neil Strike, along with his wife Elaine, lead Hexham Community Church. Neil also heads up a team connecting Taking Ground’s northern-most churches in Durham, Sunderland, Birtley and Hexham.